ADHD Signs And Symptoms - Facing the Symptoms of ADD
If you are an adult facing the symptoms of ADD, then you should understand that at times, when it is vital to slow down, you seem not to be able to do so.
Symptoms Of Adult ADHD
ADHD in adults can leave you scattered and disorganized. Since there are so many things that need to be done and so little time to do them, you tend to push yourself to the edge with stress and then, when you try to achieve more, you are unable to do so.
The following are several guidelines you can use to slow down, reduce add/adhd symptoms and make your life more manageable.
For instance, put things down and organize them. Set business hours and adhere to them. After you finish your work, be sure to close the chapter in its entirety and focus on enjoying more of your free time. Take a break regularly from your job and say, during two days out of seven, relax completely and do the things you want to.
Go out with friends and enjoy your time spent together. Stay connected with colleagues, close friends, relatives or the members of a familiar group.
Establishing from the beginning that you need to cool down and enjoy some time doing other activities other than work will ensure that you are able to enjoy your life and not be married to your work.
It is important to make sure you are included in group activities and become an active part of them.
Keeping a diary may seem like an old habit, but actually, keeping a detailed record of your activities is a great way to deal with ADD and ADHD. It will ensure that you achieve clearness and reduce tension in your life. Make resolutions every day and try to accomplish them, even if it is just for a few minites each day.
Record your activities in the diary with clear punctuation, syntax and flow because otherwise you won’t be able to read it again.
ADHD Symptoms Treatments
Meditation is also helpful in understanding yourself better. It will help you concentrate on things more clearly. Therefore, you are focusing on the present, and not on other trivial things or distractions that characterize ADHD.
Switching off any electrical devices like a computer before going to bed is also essential for your well being and will help with the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. It helps you relax more easily, without having to struggle to relax. Leaving your PC turned on makes it more difficult for you to disconnect for your busy day. You will find that the computer actually stimulates the brain too much, not allowing you to relax at all.
It would be recommended that you switch off the computer approximately two hours before heading to bed for the night.
The disorganization that is so characteristic of adult ADHD can often be helped with the use of natural herbal products designed to reduce anxiety and improve the ability to focus. Focus Formula is one such