Herbs That Help With ADHD

Herbs for ADHD are a viable treatment alternative to prescribed medication for ADHD. With the amount of problematic side effects occurring from the use of synthetic drugs meant to alleviate ADHD symptoms, more people are choosing to use ADHD herbs to provide relief from the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Used to treat numerous medical conditions for thousands of years, herbs contain natural chemicals that work gently to improve the difficulties with attention, impulse control and hyperactivity associated with ADHD. They accomplish this without producing the incapacitating side effects associated with drugs as well.

Herbs frequently are used in conjunction with multivitamins that include ADHD-mitigating nutrients such as vitamin B complex, omega-6 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium and riboflavin. Each herb contains a unique blend of substances that appear to promote a therapeutic effect on human physiology.

The ability of an herb to provide a remedy for a physical illness or cognitive dysfunction sometimes depends on when it is harvested and how the leaves, stems and flowers are processed to extract the beneficial ingredients.

Herbs for ADHD

Here are some herbs for ADHD known to provide relief for common symptoms of the condition:

Ginkgo Biloba

This herb is available in supplement form and promotes memory and attention-focusing ability while also reducing depression and anxiety. In addition, it appears that Ginkgo biloba impedes the development of Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases. Those individuals suffering from ADHD may find this herb to be helpful in decreasing cognitive “fuzziness” and increasing the ability to maintain attentional processes when attempting to finish a project.

ADHD children and adults both have trouble completing tasks, homework or following through on plans. Ginkgo may be able to improve these skills that assist in streamlining the life of those with ADHD.

Lemon Balm

The list of herbs for ADHD also includes lemon balm, an herb frequently consumed as an herbal tea. In addition to containing antiviral and antibacterial substances, lemon balm is also considered an anxiolytic, or something that is capable of calming nerves and reducing stress. The ingredient responsible for this action is rosmarinic acid, which inhibits release of GABA transaminase, an enzyme controlling movement.

Individuals with ADHD who consume lemon balm also report experiencing better moods and improved cognitive performance. Eugenol is also an active ingredient in lemon balm, a substance that relaxes muscles and acts as a sort of analgesic by producing a numbing sensation.

Red Clover

Also referred to as sweet clover, red clover belongs to the group of beneficial ADHD herbs because of its ability to reduce depression and mood disorders in individuals with ADHD. Red clover contains transcischloramide, a chemical precursor to the production of dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter vital to many brain functions and plays a major role in ADHD-related attentional processes. Too much dopamine makes individuals fidgety, impulsive and unable to remain focused on a task for very long, all common symptoms of ADHD. Red clover is also useful in treating respiratory infections, wounds and may even help regulate blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes.

Gotu Kola

Called Indian pennywort, brahmi or marsh penny by some herbalists, Gotu Kola is one of many ADHD herbs that can alleviate depression, enhance memory and relieve the constant motion and restlessness associated with ADHD sufferers. Available as a supplement, Gotu Kola also decreases pain of fibromyalgia and systemic lupus. It is native to South Africa, India and China, where its medicinal uses involve accelerated wound healing and improving the circulatory system.

American Ginseng

You will find American ginseng on the list of herbs for ADHD because of its ability to increase concentration, memory and alertness, three components that are always affected by ADHD. The active ingredient in American and Asian ginseng is ginsenosides, substances that make ginseng beneficial in alleviating various medical conditions and symptoms of ADHD.

Studies suggest that when combined with ginkgo, American ginseng reduces cognitive deficiencies associated with ADHD inattentiveness as well as decreasing feelings of depression or anxiety. This herb can be drank as a tea or taken in supplement form.

Ancient Greeks, Romans and of course, the Chinese have used herbs for purifying the air as well as healing all kinds of ailments. Using herbs for ADHD offers a healthier, more natural alternative to the sometimes debilitating effects of ADHD synthetic medications, the best method to use when trying to deal with ADHD holistically is to incorporate a healthy diet and multivitamins with doses of helpful herbs.

Many individuals have found that herbal treatments formulated specifically for ADHD can be extremely helpful for reducing hyperactive behavior and improving the ability to focus in school and at work.

Native Remedies produces a vitamin/herbal product designed to help children and adults with concentration issues. I encourage you to consider focus formula, one of their products that is respected by many parents for its ability to reduce ADHD behavior and improve concentration effectively.

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