Appropriate ADHD Medication For Children

Working frequently with people who are dealing with ADHD, I am often asked about cures for ADHD. I have seen many parents who, when told about their child’s condition, seem so hopeless and bleak.

Many times it will be necessary to do parent counseling more than child counseling. This is often difficult at the beginning but can be very fruitful if I succeed. Everybody loves their children. Nobody ever desires for their children to suffer from diseases and health concerns.

But there is one fact associated with ADHD and that is that the symptoms can be eliminated. There are appropriate and effective ADHD medications for children.

These ADHD child medicines are more or less the same as ADHD adult medications, but of course they differ in their dosages and frequency of administration.

Please make sure that when you take your child to the doctor or a psychiatrist for an evaluation, you leave completely satisfied. Make a list of questions that you desire to ask, in case if you forget some. Here is a sample list of questions to ask an ADHD specialist:

• Is it ADHD that is causing the symptoms?

• What symptoms indicate the disease?

• What is your diagnosis?

• Do I need other doctors to visit as well?

• What medication you think will be the best?

• What will be the form of drug administration?

• What are the possible side effects?

• What are the health risks (even long term)?

• Are there any foods or other medications I should avoid?

• How long will the child have to take this medication?

• Will he be able to withdraw from the medicine, easily?

• What non-drug treatments may be needed?

• Are behavior therapies and psychotherapies required?

• Is there any other condition that is associated with ADHD?

• How regular should we visit you?

• Do I inform his school staff especially teachers?

• Do I need to change the school?

• What else can I do to help my child?

• Does other family members also required to be a part of therapies?

• Any special tips you want to give me as a mother/father/guardian?

There are generally three groups of drugs that are administered to the child. Stimulant medications, non stimulant medications and anti depressants. But the choice of drug varies from one another, according to presence of symptoms.

No matter what group is prescribed to the child, and no matter how many medications are advised; there are certain important rules that should never be neglected in any case.

These important rules are:

1. Learn about the condition and medicines for your child.

2. Administer the medications under your own supervision; any slight change in dose can have adverse effects.

3. Medicines are not magical potions!!! They need time to adjust to the body and show its effects.

4. Keep the dose minimal yet effective. So start of from minimum dosage and increase gradually.

5. Keep a close eye on every change arising in the child.

Herbal supplements have been shown to help improve behavior and performance in the classroom and at home without the side effects of medication. They work by helping relax the hyperactive child while improving brain activity. Get More Information on natural products that have been shown to help with the symptoms of ADHD

Continue to read more on ADHD Medication & Treatment Tests

Parenting Skills

Because ADHD children often exhibit behavior that is difficult to deal with, effective parenting skills are critically important.

Read our review of the Total Transformation Program to learn about what many parents have found to be one of the most beneficial tools they have available to them in raising healthy and balanced ADHD children.

Reader Reviews

Have you used natural ADHD supplements in your home? wants your help.

Please send us your reviews of the products you have used so that we can let our readers know what works and what doesn't. Click here to send us your review.

Read the reviews that other visitors to have submitted on our ADD ADHD alternative treatment reviews page.

Things You Should Know

Properly formulated herbal and homeopathic treatments help with anxiety, concentration and hyperactivity. Read our Herbs for ADHD page to learn more.

    3 Requirements for Reducing ADHD Symptoms Without Medication

      Diet-High protein, few processed carbs
      Sleep-Consistent 10-12 hours/night
      Structure-Sleep, schoolwork, consistent discipline