ADD Manifestation in Children

ADD can be present in several forms in a child. While it is difficult to follow the progression of the disease, because things can be so unpredictable, it is always a good idea to be diagnosed at the proper time and receive the proper treatment. Girls usually suffer from fewer symptoms than a boy with ADD does.

Some girls exhibit the behavior of tomboys, in that while they share common features of ADD, they also have a tendency towards engaging in physical activities to a greater extent. Therefore, it is important that parents and teachers at school to be able to recognize such things in a child’s behavior and be able to address them.

Signs Of ADHD And ADD

Native Remedies specializes in natural treatments for attention deficit disorder. Learn more about the signs of ADHD and their herbal treatments on the Native Remedies Website.

In addition to the tomboy characteristics, girls can also exhibit an overly verbal behavior. They can be extremely talkative rather than physically active. Their peers to look down on them because of their tendency to talk so much. They cannot tell stories in a complete way and their thoughts might be disconnected because of the ADD.

Another type of ADD not yet discussed above is the daydreamer type, in that those suffering from ADD are extremely quiet, pensive and thus introvert. They keep things to themselves, giving little or no attention to any other people, unlike the chatty type.

Therefore, they may be anxious about communicating with people and find it difficult when asked to cooperate in school projects, because they are not used to communicating. This type of ADD found in girls often goes without being detected, because the parents might think that their child is only lazy and not realize that they are dealing with ADD.

Surprising as it may seem, some girls (and boys) suffering from ADD experience an IQ level above the normal and can be considered to be gifted. With an IQ that high, the child is most likely to do extremely well in school, so that they don't experience problems until when they enter adulthood.

You can see that it is important to remember that ADD does not mean learning disabilities or anything of the sort. It is simply something that needs to be treated in a special way so that the child can develop in a normal and natural way.

Treatment For ADD ADHD

If left undiagnosed, then the ADD can pose some problems to the individual in that children might be labeled as disorganized, lazy and slow when in fact, their intelligence is just shrouded in a cloud of mystery because the proper approach and attention is not given to them.

Because of this, the children might see themselves as inferior to others and not actually believe in themselves which creates a self defeating attitude. It is important that children maintain their self confidence in order to be able to later cope with the difficulties of life.

There are many simple, but often overlooked steps you can take in addressing ADD issues. Read our ADHD alternative therapy page to learn how you can help your child without it costing you anything.

Parenting Skills

Because ADHD children often exhibit behavior that is difficult to deal with, effective parenting skills are critically important.

Read our review of the Total Transformation Program to learn about what many parents have found to be one of the most beneficial tools they have available to them in raising healthy and balanced ADHD children.

Reader Reviews

Have you used natural ADHD supplements in your home? wants your help.

Please send us your reviews of the products you have used so that we can let our readers know what works and what doesn't. Click here to send us your review.

Read the reviews that other visitors to have submitted on our ADD ADHD alternative treatment reviews page.

Things You Should Know

Properly formulated herbal and homeopathic treatments help with anxiety, concentration and hyperactivity. Read our Herbs for ADHD page to learn more.

    3 Requirements for Reducing ADHD Symptoms Without Medication

      Diet-High protein, few processed carbs
      Sleep-Consistent 10-12 hours/night
      Structure-Sleep, schoolwork, consistent discipline