Parenting Children with ADHD and ADD
Providing the Help Parents Need

Parenting ADHD children can be incredibly difficult. However, these children need your help. The disorder can be dealt with effectively when addressed properly. is here to help families that have children or teenagers struggling with ADD or ADHD in their home.
This website seeks to take a whole person approach to addressing the concerns associated with this disorder. For many children, medication may be part of the solution. It is critical, however, that nutritional, emotional and other issues are addressed at the same time.
When dealing with ADHD teenagers there are other issues that will need to be dealt with. These can often be difficult years for many families, but with your help, your children can thrive.
Helping Parents of ADHD Children
Parents often don't know where to turn to find help on the behavioral, learning and social problems their children may experience. Many parents find that they are often misjudged for their children's behavior making the situation even more difficult and sometimes painful.
It is our goal to provide the information parents need to address these concerns in their families. We also provide information for Adults with ADHD.
This site offers insights into parenting ADHD children with various contributions from experts, authors and psychotherapists. In addition to this, parents offer help based on their experiences with ADHD children of their own.
Whether you are looking into helping children or teenagers with this disorder, or are an adult with ADHD, will provide more than just information. You will find direction with concrete steps to take to resolve behavioral and attention issues that define this disorder.
We at have sought to provide information that will help you deal most effectively with the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity that are exhibited by ADHD teenagers and children.
As you explore how best to parent your children, take time to review various articles on this site.
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Understanding ADD and ADHD
It's been shown that attention deficit disorder affects about 5% of the world's population. It is frequently referred to as neurobehavioral development disorder.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is most often diagnosed during young childhood, and is characterized by a constant pattern of either inattention or hyperactivity as well as forgetfulness, lack of impulse control or impulsivity and distractibility. These teenagers can be greatly impacted both in their schoolwork and in their relationships with family and peers.
Even though ADHD in children is most commonly diagnosed, over the recent decades it has been increasingly detected in adults. Adult ADHD symptoms interfere with marriage and family relationships, as well as career development.
ADHD in children is to a large extent hereditary and nearly 60% of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder will still be dealing with it as adults.
ADHD Controversy
There is some controversy surrounding how ADHD should be classified. The definition of ADHD is determined by an extensive list of symptoms, many of which can be caused by many other factors in the ADD ADHD teenager's or child's life.
Some of the treatment methods include behaviour modification, life style changes, professional therapy and counseling and others. While it is often overlooked by professionals, addressing dietary and sleep issues is often most effective.
Where to Begin
Depending on why you are visiting this site, you will want to begin your research at different places. Here are some links that will help get you pointed in the right direction.
Introduction to ADHD
Schooling Children with ADHD
Diagnosing the Disorder
Parenting Skills
Medication to Treat ADHD
Addressing Adult ADHD