Information on ADD

Accurate information on ADD is a starting point for addressing the disorder. Your understanding ADD will empower you to make the necessary changes. Continue reading for information on ADHD and ADD.

During childhood, it is normal to have a lot of energy to devote to different activities and be able to shift from one thing to the next in a short amount of time.

Depending on their age, a child has difficulty concentrating too long on one activity, without getting bored. However, this is one of the most common symptoms of ADD in children. Understanding ADD requires understanding the difference between normal childhood behavior and that which is going to create problems down the road.

While at such a young age, you weren't capable of thinking of bigger issues, science has evolved from then and has discovered that in some cases, it represents a problem with ADD.

ADD ADHD Children

Studies have provided information on ADD that show it is a common disorder in children caused by changes that happen in the mind. These changes affect his behaviour in both a positive and negative way.  While it is not a serious illness, these negative behaviours can wreak havoc on the patients if left unattended and untreated.

There is still a lot of confusion regarding the efficient methods for diagnosing ADD. Associates for mental associations point out that a person with ADD is usually defined as one having a mental impairment of some sort, and this conclusion was drawn after a group of patients who had had encephalitis discovered that they had suffered from a brain inflammation in fact.

This discovery is no longer up to date, therefore with the passing of time, people have been confronted with different types of ADD patients.

Information on ADHD

For now, two major types of ADD are recognized. ADD coupled with hyperactivity (ADHD) as well as  ADD without hyperactivity (ADD) represent the two categories of the disorders. Observations have indicated that the patients suffering from ADD with hyperactivity have little attention span, talk a lot, cannot behave peacefully in a confined group, find it difficult to remain seated and can also exhibit aggressive or violent behavior.

ADD ADHD Checklist

The indicators for ADD without hyperactivity include common findings such as the following;  patients tend to be disorganized, without being able to focus on tasks, they are diverted easily from their activities and also are seemingly unable to devote their attention on just one thing at a time.

To distinguish between those suffering from ADD and those who do not suffer from it, it is important to perform a lot of tests because the disorder affects people in an arbitrary manner. Therefore only about five people in one hundred have this disorder.

There is a lot of controversy going on because of the ADD disorder and how it can be effectively diagnosed. Since ADD is not a disease, but rather an illness, it is important that we take into consideration the fact that it is diagnosed by mannerisms and indicators.

Also, when having to decide whether it is ADD or not, the matter is a daunting one because there are many symptoms that might look like ADD but in fact may be just part of the normal growing up process. Therefore, physicians need to consider carefully the symptoms before jumping to conclusions. It is indeed extremely difficult to be able to get to the gist of the problem.

It is very important to find accurate information on ADD and ADHD if you are experiencing symptoms in yourself or your child. Maybe adult ADHD is the problem. Understanding ADD will lead you to a treatment that will be effective and often life changing.

An extremely effective natural treatment that our family uses to improve mood swings and ADHD symptoms is taking multi-vitamins that contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs.

We have found Total Balance vitamins to be the most effective at improving attitudes and help with concentration. The result has been much improved attitudes and a greater sense of well being for both our children as well as ourselves as parents.

Parenting Skills

Because ADHD children often exhibit behavior that is difficult to deal with, effective parenting skills are critically important.

Read our review of the Total Transformation Program to learn about what many parents have found to be one of the most beneficial tools they have available to them in raising healthy and balanced ADHD children.

Reader Reviews

Have you used natural ADHD supplements in your home? wants your help.

Please send us your reviews of the products you have used so that we can let our readers know what works and what doesn't. Click here to send us your review.

Read the reviews that other visitors to have submitted on our ADD ADHD alternative treatment reviews page.

Things You Should Know

Properly formulated herbal and homeopathic treatments help with anxiety, concentration and hyperactivity. Read our Herbs for ADHD page to learn more.

    3 Requirements for Reducing ADHD Symptoms Without Medication

      Diet-High protein, few processed carbs
      Sleep-Consistent 10-12 hours/night
      Structure-Sleep, schoolwork, consistent discipline