Hyperactivity in Children

Hyperactivity in children is a concern for both parents and teachers. Here is some information that will make helping hyperactive children easier. Let's look at the connection between ADHD and hyperactivity.

In the past, children around the world have suffered from cholera or other diseases transmitted through contaminated water and these diseases were responsible for the deaths of many children every year.

While the conditions have since changed, today children are confronted with other problems such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder that relate to concentration and focus or other disabilities which affect the learning of the child.

The information below is meant to help improve your understanding of hyperactivity in children so that you can analyze the ADHD and hyperactivity connection in your child. This in turn will make finding the solutions to the issues your family is dealing with much easier.


Hyperactive children have existed for centuries, probably since the first men have appeared. As a matter of fact, this is normal behavior for many children. There are some descriptions in history that attest to problems associated with hyperactivity.

This symptom was first generalized by a German physician, Heinrich Hoffman in 1845 and since then this syndrome has been observed in many other cases because many more children are believed to be diagnosed with this disorder.

To give you an example of characters in popular culture who are hyperactive, say Bart Simpson or Dennis the Menace, as traditional examples of this.

The definition of Hyperactivity

When defining hyperactivity, we need to make sure that we know the real definition of it. For instance, children having ADHD are generally hyperactive, but labeling children this ways when they don't respond as they are expected to in school doesn't necessarily mean they have ADHD.

Their lack of drive and focus in school may be the result of a bad interaction with teachers or because the child feels wary to interact with the people at school.

There exists medication to counter the effect of hyperactivity but they often come with a toll such as dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, symptoms of depression, problems with the stomach and more.


How often does hyperactivity in children appear? Depending on the country we are talking about or the symptoms that are identified as leading to hyperactivity, the rate of hyperactive children in the US varies from five to twenty-two percent.

This rate in Australia is pictured as varying from eight to twelve percent while in the UK an insignificant percent of children are labeled as suffering from ADHD even though the incidents of this disorder have appeared more frequently in recent years. Hyperactivity is said to affect about ten percent of children living in South Africa and the disorder is common among all social groups from the country.

You can find more statistics on attention deficit disorder on the facts about ADHD page

The Characteristics of Hyperactivity

It has been noted that hyperactivity occurs more often in boys than in girls and that these symptoms are almost present in every child, but only in some, do they develop to the point of having ADHD. This hyperactivity and ADHD connection is critical.

Babies who are hyperactive are restless, often experience feeding and sleeping problems. Some may fall asleep very late while others might wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. These babies frequently cry and cry, without stopping with the parents finding that there is nothing they can do to alleviate the baby's condition and stop him or her from crying.

As the baby grows up into a toddler, he is constantly moving, not standing still and unable to remain still whatever the activity. Also, if the child is constantly fidgeting, shuffling his feet and unable to stay focused on a given activity and loses interest easily, then these might be the symptoms of ADHD.

If you notice that your child is abnormally thirsty but has normal urine output, then you might want to schedule an appointment with the doctor. Other symptoms that link ADHD and hyperactivity may include the inability to concentrate, temper fits, impatience, clumsiness, sleep disturbances or even quick frustrations.

Infants and adolescents suffering from hyperactivity frequently do not have a strong immune system so they may experience hay fever, eczema, asthma or other conditions.

Treatment for Hyperactivity in Children

ADHD specialists agree that these symptoms linking ADHD and hyperactivity do not necessarily have to negatively impact academic performance. However but they could instill behavioral abnormalities nonetheless.

In reality, the impulsiveness, short attention span and the low self-esteem hyperactive children experience and the associated symptoms prevent many from performing well in school, even though they my have a high IQ. Since they cannot concentrate very well on what they are doing, they may lag behind their less talented peers. Health issues such as asthma, headaches or hay fever, can further reduce their ability to perform well in school.

These characteristics of hyperactivity in children typically increase in intensity from three to four years. Often however, the hyperactivity begins to decrease when the child reaches the ten-twelve years age period. At this point the child's brain is beginning to mature so that the hyperactivity he once exhibited may be substantially reduced.

The negative behavior that is so characteristic of ADHD children can often be helped with the use of natural herbal products designed to reduce anxiety and improve the ability to focus. Focus Factor is one such product many families have found helpful.

More about diagnosing ADHD