Using ADHD Checklists for Parents
ADHD checklists for parents are similar to the assessments and screening tools used by doctors and professional therapists to make an official diagnosis of ADHD. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if a parent suspects that their child may have an attention deficit disorder.
The symptoms of ADD can be similar to those of other types of health conditions and mental disorders. In addition, a child with developmental disabilities, vision problems, or difficulty hearing may also exhibit traits of ADHD.
For this reason, it is important that parents who suspect an attention deficit disorder in their child also seek the advice of a medical professional. Vision and hearing screenings may also be recommended before an official diagnosis is given.
Doctors will examine the child and run laboratory tests to rule out other types of health problems. Conditions like diabetes, epilepsy, and thyroid problems can also exhibit the same symptoms as ADHD. In these cases, additional physical symptoms may also be present.
Children with developmental disabilities or autism spectrum disorders may also exhibit signs of ADD or ADHD. In some cases, these children are given dual diagnoses, but it is unclear of whether the attention-deficit disorder exists independently of the other conditions.
ADHD checklists for parents will provide a clearer understanding of the symptoms of attention deficit disorders and help parents decide when it is time to seek the help of a medical professional. Attention deficit disorders are increasingly common among school-aged children. It is normal for most children to exhibit hyperactivity at certain times, especially if soft drinks, processed foods, and sugar are a part of the regular diet.
There are three types of symptoms present in children with ADHD. All of these symptoms will be found on most ADHD checklists available to parents and educators. Parents typically know their child better than anyone else, so it is often beneficial that parents and primary caregivers complete the ADHD checklists as well as doctors and teachers, in order to get a better understanding of how the child behaves and functions at home.
Symptoms of attention deficit disorders in children include emotional symptoms, behavioral symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Emotional symptoms include high levels of frustration, moodiness, and in some cases, anxiety or depression. Hyperactivity is much more common in boys with ADHD than in girls. Girls with attention deficit disorders may appear spacey or distracted. Boys can be prone to violent outbursts, and may hit, kick, or bite themselves or others. Throwing things is also common in boys with ADD.