/* * Lamoon V1.1 * By UXbarn * Themeforest Profile: http://themeforest.net/user/UXbarn?ref=UXbarn * Demo URL: http://themes.uxbarn.com/redirect.php?theme=lamoon */ /* #Configuration Parameters ================================================== */ var captionAnimated; var imageHoveringIcon; var imageHoveringIconPos; var useAutoMap; var address; $(document).ready(function() { /* #Configuration ================================================== */ // Animate the banner caption? captionAnimated = true; // Show notification icon for any clickable image? imageHoveringIcon = true; /* Position of the icon: * rt = Right Top * lt = Left Top * rb = Right Bottom * lb = Left Bottom */ imageHoveringIconPos = 'rt'; // Generate Google Map automatically using the following address? useAutoMap = true; address = '57-091 Kamehameha Highway, Kahuku, Oahu, HI'; /* #Start calling required functions ================================================== */ initConfig(); initPlugins(); initEvents(); initDropdownMenu(); }); /* #Initialize Configuration ================================================== */ function initConfig() { if (!captionAnimated) { $('.banner-caption.left').css({ opacity : '1', left : '0' }); $('.banner-caption.right').css({ opacity : '1', right : '0' }); } if (imageHoveringIcon) { var hoverignItems = $('.hover'); hoverignItems.append('+'); } loadGoogleMap(useAutoMap, address); } /* #Initialize Event Handlers ================================================== */ function initEvents() { // Read-more image hovering var readmore = $('.readmore'); var readmoreText = $('.readmore span.text'); readmore.animate({ opacity : '0' }, 10); // View-photo image hovering var photo = $('.photo'); var photoText = $('.photo span.text'); photo.animate({ opacity : '0' }, 10); var startPosition, endPosition; // Image hovering function $('.hover').hover(function() { var img = $(this).find('div'); var imgHeight = img.height(); var imgWidth = img.width(); startPosition = (imgHeight / 2 + 30); endPosition = (imgHeight / 2 + 20); readmore.css({ backgroundPosition : (imgWidth / 2 - 10) + 'px ' + (imgHeight / 2 - 15) + 'px', display : 'block' }); readmoreText.css('top', startPosition + 'px'); photo.css({ backgroundPosition : (imgWidth / 2 - 15) + 'px ' + (imgHeight / 2 - 20) + 'px', display : 'block' }); photoText.css('top', startPosition + 'px'); $(this).find(readmore).stop().animate({ opacity : '.7' }, 500, 'easeOutQuint'); $(this).find(readmore).find(readmoreText).stop().animate({ top : endPosition + 'px' }, 500); $(this).find(photo).stop().animate({ opacity : '.7' }, 500, 'easeOutQuint'); $(this).find(photo).find(photoText).stop().animate({ top : endPosition + 'px' }, 500); }, function() { $(this).find(readmore).stop().animate({ opacity : '0' }, 500, 'easeOutQuint'); $(this).find(readmore).find(readmoreText).stop().animate({ top : startPosition + 'px' }, 500); $(this).find(photo).stop().animate({ opacity : '0' }, 500, 'easeOutQuint'); $(this).find(photo).find(photoText).stop().animate({ top : startPosition + 'px' }, 500); }) // Submitting comment form if ($('form#comment-form').length > 0) { var commentForm = $('form#comment-form'); commentForm.submit(function() { if (commentForm.validationEngine('validate')) { // Call your PHP file to save comment to database... } }); } // Submitting reservation form if ($('form#reservation-form').length > 0) { var reservationForm = $('form#reservation-form'); reservationForm.submit(function() { if (reservationForm.validationEngine('validate')) { $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "php/reservation.php", data : reservationForm.serialize(), success : function(result) { // For testing only //result = 'true'; /*************************/ if (result == 'true') { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop : 0 }, 1500, 'easeOutQuint', function() { reservationForm.stop().animate({ opacity : '0' }, 400, function() { reservationForm.css('display', 'none'); $('#success').css('display', 'block'); $('#success').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 900); }); }); } else { $('#error').css('display', 'block'); $('#error').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 1000); alert('Error Message: ' + result); } }, error : function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('#error').css('display', 'block'); $('#error').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 1000); alert(errorThrown); } }); return false; } }); } // Submitting contact form if ($('form#contact-form').length > 0) { var contactForm = $('form#contact-form'); contactForm.submit(function() { if (contactForm.validationEngine('validate')) { $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "php/contact.php", data : contactForm.serialize(), success : function(result) { // For testing only //result = 'true'; /*************************/ if (result == 'true') { contactForm.stop().animate({ opacity : '0' }, 400, function() { contactForm.css('display', 'none'); $('#success').css('display', 'block'); $('#success').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 900); }); } else { $('#error').css('display', 'block'); $('#error').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 1000); alert('Error Message: ' + result); } }, error : function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('#error').css('display', 'block'); $('#error').stop().animate({ opacity : '1' }, 1000); alert(errorThrown); } }); return false; } }); } } /* #Initialize Plugins ================================================== */ function initPlugins() { // FlexSlider $('#banner-slider').flexslider({ animationSpeed : 1000, slideshowSpeed : 6000, pauseOnAction : false, pauseOnHover : true, controlNav : false, start : function() { showBannerCaptions(); }, before : function() { if (captionAnimated) { $('.banner-caption.left').stop().animate({ opacity : '0', left : '0' }, 10); $('.banner-caption.right').stop().animate({ opacity : '0', right : '0' }, 10); } }, after : function() { showBannerCaptions(); } }); $('#room-photos').flexslider({ startAt : 0, animationSpeed : 800, slideshowSpeed : 4000, pauseOnAction : true, pauseOnHover : true, directionNav : false }); // Superfish $('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ animation : { opacity : 'show' }, delay : 1000 }); // jQuery Cycle $('#home-testimonial').cycle(); // FancyBox $('.image-box').fancybox({ padding : '0', centerOnScroll : true, overlayOpacity : '0.9', overlayColor : '#222', transitionIn : 'elastic', transitionOut : 'elastic', speedIn : 500, speedOut : 300, showNavArrows : true }); // Validation Engine if ($('form.validate').length > 0) { $('form.validate').validationEngine('attach', { autoHidePrompt : 'false', autoHideDelay : '7000', fixed : true, scroll : false, binded : false, promptPosition : 'centerRight' }); } // Date Picker if ($('.datepicker').length > 0) { $('.datepicker').datepicker({ dateFormat : "d M, y" }); } // Numeric Spinner if ($('.spinner').length > 0) { $('.spinner').spinner({ min : 1, max : 100 }); $('.spinner-min0').spinner({ min : 0, max : 100 }); } // Accordion/Toggle if ($('.accordion').length > 0) { $.ui.accordion.animations.eib = function(settings) { this.slide(settings, { easing: 'easeInOutCubic', // See more here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/effect/easing.html duration: 600 }); } $('.accordion').each(function() { $(this).accordion({ autoHeight: false, icons: false, animated: 'eib', active: parseInt($(this).attr('data-active-index')) }); }); } if ($('.toggle').length > 0) { $.ui.accordion.animations.eib = function(settings) { this.slide(settings, { easing: 'easeInOutCubic', // See more here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/effect/easing.html duration: 600 }); } $('.toggle').accordion({ autoHeight: false, icons: false, animated: 'eib', collapsible: true, active: false, }); $('.toggle.active').accordion({ autoHeight: false, icons: false, animated: 'eib', collapsible: true, active: 0, }); } } /* #Banner Caption ================================================== */ function showBannerCaptions() { if (captionAnimated) { var leftCaption = $('.banner-caption.left'); leftCaption.css({ opacity : '0', left : '100px' }); leftCaption.stop().animate({ opacity : '1', left : '0' }, 2500, 'easeOutQuint'); var rightCaption = $('.banner-caption.right'); rightCaption.css({ opacity : '0', right : '100px' }); rightCaption.stop().animate({ opacity : '1', right : '0' }, 2500, 'easeOutQuint'); } } /* #Dropdown Menu for Showing on Small Devices ================================================== */ function initDropdownMenu() { // Create the dropdown bases $('